Tuesday, April 1, 2008

More on righteous indignation - By Rollin'

Very nicely written comments on anger. Just some thoughts on righteous indignation.For those who directly suffer from the infliction of hatred or violence, it requires an enormous effort to find this courage to "drive righteous indignation". If I experienced these inflictions, I know, in my heart, that I could not find the courage to override such sufferings.

When people suffer from inflictions of violence or hatred, how can they find this courage? Only through love and compassion. However, those who suffer are in such pain, grief; and sorrow that love and compassion is obfuscated in darkness. They cannot find the courage for righteous indignation.

But we can help by showing them that we feel their pain, share their sorrow, and understand their grief. Then, love and compassion will begin to shine through the darkness of suffering and we can find the courage of righteous indignation.

- rollin'

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